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» N.Z.J.Ecol., Volume 49(1), 2025
N.Z.J.Ecol., Volume 49(1), 2025
Table of Contents
Research Article
A spatial layer of human terrestrial pressures for New Zealand
Olivia R. Burge
Richard Law
Sandy Wakefield
Article: 3580
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Preference and performance of Pūrerehua Kahukura (Vanessa gonerilla gonerilla) on native and introduced nettles of Aotearoa
Greer J Sanger
Janice M Lord
Jennifer M Jandt
Article: 3581
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Frog-predator interactions in Aotearoa New Zealand: observations and two case studies using molecular and visual gut-content analyses
Emily R. Hotham
Amanda Haigh
Sara Smerdon
Jennifer M. Germano
Article: 3583
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Reproductive trait shift in Pinus contorta helps explain invasion success in Aotearoa New Zealand
Thomas F. Carlin
Matthew B. Scott
Thomas S.H. Paul
Article: 3584
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Using population viability analysis and fossil records to inform the conservation of pāteke (Anas chlorotis)
Finnbar Lee
André M. Bellvé
Hayley Alena
Quinn Asena
George L.W. Perry
Article: 3585
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Spatial distribution of probable ship rat reinvaders in a pest-fenced ecosanctuary
Helen Nathan
Robert Schadewinkel
Nick Mulgan
Article: 3578
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An ecological survey of Kuranui (Penguin Island) and Waikaia (Rabbit Island), western Bay of Plenty
James C. Russell
Peter Corson
Kathryn O’Toole
Ben Gordon
Craig Balsom
Article: 3586
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Understanding foraging and nesting behaviour of ground nesting bees in Dunedin, New Zealand
Zhuali Lim
Janice Lord
Sheri Johnson
Article: 3579
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VKORC1 mutations in house mice in the Auckland Region (Aotearoa/New Zealand)
Francesco Gallozzi
Riccardo Castiglia
Paolo Colangelo
James C. Russell
Article: 3587
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Forum Article
Native plantings for beneficial insects in Canterbury: scoping and researching economic, environmental, and social benefits in a simplified agricultural landscape
Brad G. Howlett
Melanie M. Davidson
Article: 3582
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