New Zealand Journal of Ecology (2024) 48(1): 3574

Survival of rock wrens (Xenicus gilviventris) using radio-tags, through an aerial 1080 pest control operation

Short Communication
Tristan E. Rawlence 1*
Kim N. Squire 1
  1. Department of Conservation, Private Bag 5, Nelson
*  Corresponding author

We monitored 15 rock wrens Xenicus gilviventris wearing very high frequency radio-tags and/or colour bands following an aerial 1080 pest control operation in Kahurangi National Park. We found no evidence that rock wrens were susceptible to mortality from 1080, but we did note some welfare concerns for rock wrens from carrying radio-tags. Due to the high effort required to monitor rock wrens using radio-tags coupled with the low risk to rock wrens from pest control operations, we recommend using non-invasive transect counts to monitor rock wren populations annually at multiple sites.