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» N.Z.J.Ecol., Volume 44(1), 2020
N.Z.J.Ecol., Volume 44(1), 2020
Table of Contents
Research Article
A conservation paradox: endangered and iconic flightless kagu (
Rhynochetos jubatus
) apparently escape feral cat predation
Pauline Palmas
Hervé Jourdan
Léo Debar
Edouard Bourguet
Frédéric Rigault
Elsa Bonnaud
Eric Vidal
Article: 3394
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Volatile emissions of six New Zealand fern species in response to physical damage and herbivory
Keylee Soriano
Andrea Clavijo-McCormick
Article: 3395
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Independent introductions of hedgehogs to the North and South Island of New Zealand
Pavel Pipek
Petr Pyšek
Sven Bacher
Barbora Černá Bolfíková
Philip E. Hulme
Article: 3396
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The diets of moa (Aves: Dinornithiformes)
Jamie R Wood
Sarah J Richardson
Matt S McGlone
Janet M Wilmshurst
Article: 3397
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Rodent detection and monitoring for conservation on islands: gnawed seeds provide reliable indicator of rodent presence
Janet M Wilmshurst
Joanna K. Carpenter
Article: 3398
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When an enemy of an enemy is not a friend: Tri-trophic interactions between kākā, puriri moths and makomako trees
Kirsty J. Yule
Kevin C. Burns
Article: 3399
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Invasion patterns of non-native ants in natural ecosystems in warm, temperate New Zealand
Anna F. Probert
Darren F. Ward
Jacqueline R. Beggs
Willow Allison-Maxwell
Margaret C. Stanley
Article: 3400
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Optimising monitoring times for surveys of rūrū (
Ninox novaeseelandiae novaeseelandiae
Moira A. Pryde
James A.J. Mortimer
Terry C. Greene
Helene H. Thygesen
Article: 3401
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Movement behaviour of a translocated female ship rat and her offspring in a low rat density New Zealand forest
Helen Nathan
Tom Agnew
Nick Mulgan
Article: 3402
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Dual 1080 bait switching for killing cereal-bait-shy possums
Graham Nugent
Richard Clayton
Bruce Warburton
Tim Day
Article: 3403
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Restoring mature-phase forest tree species through enrichment planting in New Zealand’s lowland landscapes
Adam S Forbes
Kiri J Wallace
Hannah L Buckley
Brad S Case
Bruce D Clarkson
David A Norton
Article: 3404
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South Island high country: let’s get it right this time
Ann L Brower
Michael AC Harding
Nicholas J Head
Susan Walker
Article: 3405
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