Proceedings of the New Zealand Ecological Society (1971) 18: 5- 7

The urban community and natural resources: Population pressure and the physical and cultural evolution of modern man.

Research Article
R. S. Bigelow  
  1. Department of Zoology, University of Canterbury

[First paragraph(s)...]
Ecology has been described as a study of "working relationships" between living organisms and their environment. The importance of these "working relationships" is being emphasized today in many articles and conferences on problems of pollution, social unrest, aggression and war. The opinions of ecologists are being sought on some of the most pressing and controversial issues of our day. The isolation from social problems, previously enjoyed by professional ecologists, is rapidly breaking down as awareness of the vital importance of ecological understanding is diffused through our societies. For these reasons, there is a growing need for ecologists to look beyond their more immediate areas of research and to consider the relevance of their science to the broader problems of mankind.