Proceedings of the New Zealand Ecological Society (1968) 15: 15- 19

Nutritional aspects of exotic forestry in New Zealand: Some aspects of growing exotic forests in New Zealand

Research Article
L. J. Slow  
  1. N.Z. Forest Service, Nelson

[First paragraph...]
New Zealand's exotic forests cover 1,200.000 acres, or nearly 2 % of the total land area of the country and are being extended by about 33,000 acres annually. The creation of this estate over a period of 70 years has led to the successful establishment of various wood-processing industries, which at present utilise 150,000,000 cu. ft. of logs each year. These industries are supplying a high proportion of the sawn timber, timber products, and pulp and paper needed by the home market and are becoming increasingly important earners of overseas exchange. The management and exploitation of exotic forests has become an accepted primary industry in New Zealand and can contribute significantly to our future prosperity. A full understanding of the composition of these forests and their management problems is therefore extremely valuable.