New Zealand Journal of Ecology (2004) 28(1): 83- 91

Cost effectiveness of endangered species management: the kokako (Callaeas cinerea) in New Zealand

Research Article
Geoff A. Fairburn 1,2
Kenneth F.D. Hughey 3,*
Ross Cullen 4
  1. Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit, P.O. Box 84, Lincoln University, New Zealand
  2. C/- 12 Ross Terrace, Lyttelton, New Zealand
  3. Environment, Society and Design Division, P.O. Box 84, Lincoln University, New Zealand
  4. Commerce Division, P.O. Box 84, Lincoln University, New Zealand
*  Corresponding author

Expenditure on endangered species management is increasing greatly, on a global basis. Managers need tools to evaluate the performance of endangered species programmes because there will always be more demand for resources than there are available. Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) is used here to evaluate the performance of the kokako (Callaeas cinerea) recovery programme. This species is being managed at a number of sites in New Zealand and analysis shows a large variation in costs and effectiveness between these sites. Cost Effectiveness Analysis provides a tool to allow managers to better predict where resources should be invested to most cost-effectively achieve their conservation targets, in this case recovery of an endangered species. Issues of lack of reliable cost data and ongoing policy problems limit the potential of economics to contribute to improved conservation management of threatened species in New Zealand.