ecological integrity

Vegetation assessment of an urban restoration at Styx Mill Conservation Reserve, Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand

Human impacts in Aotearoa New Zealand have considerably damaged native ecosystems, and conservation efforts must therefore preserve remaining ecosystems and restore degraded areas. However, restoration efforts must address several challenges including species authenticity, plant survival and seedling regeneration in the presence of exotic competition, browsing mammals, and vagaries of climate. Styx Mill Conservation Reserve (SMCR), Christchurch, contains a remnant freshwater wetland in a floodplain complex where restoration activities were initiated in 2000 under a 40-year plan.

Biodiversity monitoring, ecological integrity, and the design of the New Zealand Biodiversity Assessment Framework

The New Zealand Department of Conservation is responsible for biodiversity management over approximately one-third of New Zealand’s land area and a network of marine protected areas; it also has a more general role in managing protected species and biodiversity advocacy. In 2004 the Department of Conservation began the development of a national natural heritage monitoring framework known as the New Zealand Biodiversity Assessment Framework, which has been operational since 2011.

Carbon and plant diversity gain during 200 years of woody succession in lowland New Zealand

Natural regeneration of new forests has significant potential to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, but how strong is the potential biodiversity co-benefit? We quantified carbon accumulation and biodiversity gain during secondary succession of two New Zealand lowland forests. The rate of carbon sequestration was the same for the kanuka–red beech succession as for the coastal broadleaved succession (c. 2.3 Mg C ha–1 year–1) over the first 50 years of succession.

A research strategy for biodiversity conservation on New Zealand’s offshore islands

New Zealand’s offshore islands are refuges for many threatened species, a high proportion of vertebrate diversity, and the world’s most diverse fauna of seabirds. We present key issues and questions that can be used to guide research on the conservation of biodiversity on these islands. Four global reviews formed a basis from which we identified research questions of potential relevance to the management of these islands. The research questions were assigned in the context of nine objectives proposed as a means of achieving ecological integrity.