Presidential Address
Research Article
Pages: 7-15
Pages: 16-18
Pages: 19-26
Pages: 27-50
Pages: 62-65
Pages: 66-73
Pages: 74-76
Pages: 77-80
Pages: 81-83
Comparisons of the climates of the two habitats of Hamilton's Frog (Leiopelma Hamiltoni (McCulloch))
Pages: 84-90
Pages: 91-98
Pages: 99-108
Pages: 109-117
Pages: 126-131
Pages: 132-137
Pages: 138-144
The history and control of red deer in the takahe area, Murchison Mountains, Fiordland National Park
Pages: 145-152
Pages: 153-157
Policy Submission
Pages: 173-173
Pages: 175-176
Pages: 175-175
Pages: 177-178
Pages: 178-178
Pages: 179-180
Pages: 181-182
Pages: 182-183
Book Review
Pages: 185-186
Pages: 185-185
Pages: 186-187