New Zealand Journal of Ecology (1978) 1: 2- 6

A perspective at year 26

Presidential Address
C. L. Batcheler  
  1. Protection Forestry Division, Forest Research Institute, New Zealand Forest Service, Christchurch

My address is chiefly concerned this year with the policies, development and principles of our Society. In attempting this review, I am particularly conscious of the fact that the Society has had its 25th anniversary; and that at last year's AGM, both the first President and the Immediate Past President addressed us on the history of the Society and made mention of the emergence of a dichotomy of interests between concern for ecology as a scientific discipline, and the more general topic of concern for the environment. Like those two speakers, it is not my task to take sides, nor my role to remind you o of two basic truths of the nature of organisations: that any Society is the integrated sum of the interests, prejudices and enthusiasm of its members; and that no matter what the rules state, if a Society has the right people with the right interests at heart, the right course will be followed.
