The New Zealand Ecological Society makes submissions on relevant issues under public consultation or comments on current issues. A core objective of the society is to promote the application of ecological knowledge in all its aspects and we believe making submissions is part of this. As our society is run completely by volunteers, we welcome support from society members to strengthen this important activity.
The Council oversees the submissions process, which is led by either a councillor or ex-officio submissions co-ordinator. The Council decides what issues or documents the Society should submit on and seeks to find the required expertise and availability within the membership. NZES may also join other societies or bodies with a similar interest, to make a joint submission. Once a submission has been drafted the Council is invited to review it and endorse the content prior to the submission being finalised and lodged.
There are two main ways we encourage NZES members to engage in the submission process to make their voices heard:
Submit under the NZES banner. Contact us to suggest a submission you’d like to coordinate or write on behalf of the society. If suitable, the NZES council can work with you to source additional required expertise from within the membership or provide a review of the submission. If approved by council, we then can make the submission under our banner. To do this please get in touch by emailing
- Submit as an individual or for your own business/group. You are able to make a difference by making your own independent submissions about ecological matters you care about. There are some great tips out there for doing this provided by other organisations that you can view at these links:
NZES has made submissions or comments on a range of issues, for example:
- RMA Ammendments Bill (June 2024)
- Fast-track Approvals Bill (April 2024)
- Biodiversity Credit System
- NPS-IB Exposure Draft (July 2022)
- Conservation Management and Processes Bill (CMAP) (June 2022)
- National Policy Statement Indigenous Biodiversity (March 2020)
- Department of Conservation Biodiversity Strategy (September 2019)
- Draft Threatened Species Strategy (July 2017)
- Climate Change (Sept 2015)
- Mackenzie Dryland Park (June 2014)
- Battle for our birds (April 2014)
- Proposed amendments to National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management and the National Objectives Framework (February 2014)
- Freshwater Reform 2013 and beyond (April 2013)
- Improving Resource Management discussion document (April 2013)
- Resource Management Reform Bill (Sections 32 and 76) (February 2013)
- Environmental Reporting Bill (October 2011)
- Environment Canterbury Regional Council's Land and Water Regional Plan (October 2011)
- Proposed National Policy Statement on Indigenous biodiversity (May 2011)