
Investigation of tutin, a naturally-occurring plant toxin, as a novel, culturally acceptable rodenticide in New Zealand

He nui nga mātauranga a te Māori (Ngai Tūhoe) e pā ana ki nga momo hua tāokeoke (Toxins) e taea ana te whakarite hei rauemi tāwai i ngā riha kīrearea, pērā anō ki nga whiu takarangi o te tāoke 1080. I whakamātauhia e matou i nga ira tāoke o roto o te hua Tutu, ki rō taiwhanga pūtaiao. Mā te wero atu ki tētahi kiore (Norway Rat) i hua mai ngā mohiotanga o te nui me te momo o ngā tāokeoke kei roto i tēnei miro Māori, me te āhua o tēnei tāoke kia mau-rohā tonu tōna tuku whakahemo (Humaneness).

Mt Tarawera: 2. Rates of Change in the Vegetation and Flora of the High Domes

The flora and vegetation of the four high domes of Mt Tarawera; Ruawahia, Tarawera, Wahanga and Plateau. are described, and successional rates and trends determined at some sites by comparing 1964 and present-day photographs and records. Although below the regional tree limit, the dome tops are dominated by scattered low shrubs, herbs, grasses, mosses and lichens. With increasing distance from the 1886 eruption craters vegetation com- plexity and rates of succession increase. Plateau dome vegetation is successionally the most advanced.