Thar, tahr, <I>Hemitragus jemlahicus</I>, movement patterns, social behaviour, habitats, range use, Canterbury, New Zealand

Daily Movement and Activity of Female and Juvenile Himalayan Thar (Hemitragus jemlahicus) in the Eastern Southern Alps, New- Zealand

About 30 female and juvenile Himalayan thar (Hemitragus jemlahicus) were observed over 2 years on a 200 ha study area. At dawn, thar were at low altitudes and most were feeding. They ascended during the morning to spend the middle of the day resting at high altitudes. In the afternoon they descended again, with increasing feeding activity, to reach low altitudes at dusk. The vertical movement was 450 m in summer and 150 m in winter. The proportion of the day spent feeding was highest in November-February and lowest in August— September.