L. Cockayne, Northburn Station, montane tussock grasslands, soil conservation, exclosure plots, revegetation, regrassing trials, sheep's burnet, yarrow, Chewings fescue, danthonia, zig-zag clover, tall oat grass, conifers

The Cockayne Plots of Central Otago—a 1985 Evaluation

The 'regrassing' trials established by L. Cockayne in 1920 on Northburn Station, near Cromwell, Central Otago, were last described by Douglas (1970) from observations made in 1967. In this paper, the early results are briefly reviewed and discussed in comparison to a 1984/85 assessment of the plots.
This assessment includes quantitative data on the composition and spread of both pasture species and tree species inside and outside each trial area, thus establishing a base for future appraisals of Cockayne's plots.