New Zealand Journal of Ecology (1989) 12: 128- 129

Eradication or control by sustained harvests: which option for thar (Hemitragus jemlahicus)

Conference Abstract
John Parkes  
  1. Forest Research Centre, Christchurch

The merits of making policies about wild animals based on the real world (rather than on wishful thinking) and conducting management practices that match the policies are discussed. The effects of mis-matched policy and practice often lead to too much effort where it is not needed and too little where it is, with consequent inefficient protection of the valued resources. There are two potential positive policy options to manage Himalayan thar in NZ: eradication or sustained harvest control. DOC first must decide whether thar can be eradicated, then whether they should be eradicated, and then, if they should not or cannot be eradicated, what densities are acceptable in particular areas and who should harvest the herds to attain these densities.

This paper will discuss whether thar can be eradicated in the real world of thar biology, control techniques and costs.
