<I>Pinus contorta</I>

Sowing native tussock species in high altitude revegetation trials

Although a cover of grasses and legumes may be established on exposed mountain subsoils through seeding and the use of a complete fertiliser, this cover is not likely to last for more than a few years without the application of more fertiliser. Native tussock species once established in the protection of other low-growing species might persist and provide stability over a longer period.

Tree seedling performance and below-ground properties in stands of invasive and native tree species

The establishment and subsequent impacts of invasive plant species often involve interactions or feedbacks with the below-ground subsystem. We compared the performance of planted tree seedlings and soil communities in three ectomycorrhizal tree species at Craigieburn, Canterbury, New Zealand – two invasive species (Pseudotsuga menziesii, Douglas-fir; Pinus contorta, lodgepole pine) and one native (Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides, mountain beech) – in monodominant stands. We studied mechanisms likely to affect growth and survival, i.e.