literature review

Networks and themes in the publications of the New Zealand Ecological Society over the last six decades

The Proceedings of the Ecological Society of New Zealand (PESNZ) and its continuation, the New Zealand Journal of Ecology (NZJE), published more than 1250 articles over the 58 years from 1961–2019. Over this period, the emphasis of ecology as a science and the social context in which it is embedded have changed.

Publishing by New Zealand and Australian ecologists: trends and comparisons

Publishing trends in the New Zealand and Australian Journals' of Ecology (NZJE and AJE) were compared (1953-97) and publishing by contemporary (1997) Australasian authors examined from mid-1995 to 1998. The NZJE published a smaller proportion (9%) of their authors total manuscripts than the AJE (13%). Both Journals' authors published almost 70% of their manuscripts in international journals and 31% (NZ) and 35% (Aust.) in their local journals. The AJE consistently contained a high proportion (80%) of papers on the fundamental ecology of native: species.