
Frog-predator interactions in Aotearoa New Zealand: observations and two case studies using molecular and visual gut-content analyses

Interactions between endemic frogs and introduced predators in Aotearoa New Zealand are important to document for consideration in species management. Predation has emerged as a formidable threat to the survival of native frog populations in Aotearoa, with most research focusing on predation by Rattus species. Here we collate unpublished observations of mortality events or predator interactions in introduced and endemic frog species.

A review of New Zealand native frog translocations: lessons learned and future priorities

Translocations are becoming increasingly common although the effectiveness of this conservation tool for amphibians is highly variable. We reviewed ten translocations of Leiopelma frogs occurring between 1924 and 2016. Data were gathered on factors which may have influenced translocation outcomes. Results at each location were measured against an established four-step framework for stages of success: survival of individuals, reproduction, population growth, and population viability.

Responses at the source and release site following an inter-island translocation of Leiopelma hamiltoni

The use of translocations for conservation management has increased in frequency over recent decades. Though many early translocations were carried out as one-off management exercises, the need to test release strategies and gain knowledge in order to improve future reintroductions has been recognised. This study examined both the movements and survival of 101 Leiopelma hamiltoni (Anura: Leiopelmatidae) translocated to Long Island, New Zealand, and the response of the source population on Te Pākeka/Maud Island to the removal of a discrete subset of frogs.

The conservation long game: Leiopelma species climate envelopes in New Zealand under a changing climate

Amphibians are considered susceptible to a range of potential effects generated by climate change. We applied species distribution model (SDM) techniques to predict future areas of climatic suitability for Archey’s and Hochstetter’s frogs under two different climate change scenarios using climate variables derived from their existing geographic extent. For Hamilton’s frog their current range was too restricted to model future range, so we used past climate data from current strongholds to establish that these sites may not be suitable for this species in the long-term.

Screening for Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in New Zealand native frogs: 20 years on

A chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis; Bd) has been a cause of amphibian declines worldwide. Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis was first detected in New Zealand on an introduced frog species in 1999 and two years later was associated with morbidity in Leiopelma archeyi, one of the three native New Zealand frog species. In this study, we aimed to document the prevalence of Bd in native frog species in New Zealand from 2014–2021.