
Craniometric study of allometry, adaptation and hybridism of red deer (Cervus elaphus Scoticus, L.) and wapiti (C. e. nelsoni, Bailey) in Fiordland, New Zealand.

Red deer and wapiti are sympatric in part of Fiordland National Park. Caughley (1971a), on the basis of Fisher's Discriminant Function of 22 skull measurements divided the mixed population of the eastern catchments into 38 % red deer, 20% hybrids and 42 % wapiti.

Some evidence of the predation of Hamilton's frog (Leiopelma hamiltoni (McCulloch)) by tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus (Grey)) on Stephens Island.

Based on a single observation some evidence is presented suggesting that predation of Hamilton's frog by tuatara is occurring on Stephens Island, 40040' S, 1740 00' E in Cook Strait. Bones of the left hind limb of a frog were identified from a tuatara dropping collected from the frogs' habitat. Because of the tenuous state of the island's frog population, factors thought to limit the incidence of predation and the distribution of the frog are discussed. A future management proposal is outlined.

Factors involved in the recent mortality of plants from forest and scrub along the Lake Te Anau shoreline, Fiordland.

Mortality of forest and scrub species from most deltas of the Lake Te Anau shoreline is described following unnaturally prolonged flooding during 1975. Despite a high incidence of pinhole borer in the affected beech trees there is conclusive evidence that the mortality in most species was due to prolonged high water tables that exceeded the tolerances of many important shoreline species.

Evolution of divaricating plants in New Zealand in relation to moa browsing.

New Zealand appears to be the only country where spineless, small-leaved divaricating plants make up nearly 10% of the woody flora. Climatic explanations have been advanced to account for the origin of these divaricating plants. We suggest that the divergent and interlaced branching, the woody exterior and the tough stems of these plants are adaptations evolved in response to browsing by moas. Together with a few species of much smaller birds, moas were the only browsing vertebrates in New Zealand prior to the arrival of man.

Regional and seasonal patterns of stream sediment discharges along New Zealand coasts from skylab and landsat satellite imagery.

Several analytical techniques used on both conventional colour photographs from SKYLAB and the LANDSAT MSS data—in both photographic and magnetic digital tape formats—provide useful sources of information about regional and seasonal patterns of stream sediment discharges along New Zealand coasts. The large area synoptic views from space are superior to aircraft photomosaics. The green visible band (500-600 nm) is the most useful for sediment studies. Band 7 (0.8–1.1 μm) sharply defines land-water interfaces.

Anniversary address: Why have ecologists?

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In the 25 years since the Society was founded, the general public and therefore governments, have become far more conscious of the environment in which they live, tile effects which their own activities are having upon it, and of the need ,to do something to maintain its quality. Twenty-five years ago both "environment" and "ecology" were words which were hardly ever seen in the popular press and only vaguely understood, if at all, by the man in the street. One had to preface any popular statement about ecology with an explanation of what the word meant.