New Zealand Journal of Ecology (2013) 37(3): 282- 287

Avian translocations to and from Tiritiri Matangi 1974–2013

Review Article
Kevin A. Parker  
  1. Ecology and Conservation Group, Institute of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Massey University, Private Bag 102-904, North Shore Mail Centre, Auckland, New Zealand

Translocation has played a key role in modern New Zealand conservation. This is particularly evident on Tiritiri Matangi where 12 species of bird have been translocated between 1974 and 2013. Eleven of these species have successfully established on the island, six as large self-sustaining populations, one large managed population, two small managed populations and two small establishing populations. Several of these populations are sufficiently fecund to sustain harvest for translocation to other sites, with six species being translocated in >33 translocation events since 1997. Tiritiri Matangi provides a useful case study for the evolution of modern New Zealand conservation. There have also been substantial benefits associated with these translocations for resource managers, scientists and particularly community-based conservation efforts.