<I>Ninox novaeseelandiae</I>

Determining the spacing of acoustic call count stations for monitoring a widespread forest owl

Nocturnal species are challenging to monitor, but with advances in bioacoustic technology, acoustic monitoring is becoming a more affordable, efficient technique for monitoring cryptic species. We tested the suitability of acoustic monitoring as a potential national monitoring method for morepork/rūrū (Ninox novaeseelandiae), in beech forest within the Eglinton Valley, Fiordland, during spring 2009–2010.

Fate of moreporks (Ninox novaeseelandiae) during a pest control operation on Mokoia Island, Lake Rotorua, North Island, New Zealand

We monitored 16 radio-tagged moreporks (Ninox novaeseelandiae) on Mokoia Island after a brodifacoum poison drop to eradicate mice (Mus musculus), normally included in the owls' diet. All 16 moreporks were alive after 13 days. One bird was found dead on day 22, and corpses of two radio-tagged birds were located on day 51. The bird found on day 22 contained 0.97 mg kg(-1) of brodifacoum in its liver. The other two carcasses were not analysed, but they probably died as a result of brodifacoum poisoning. Thus, three out of 14 birds died (21% mortality).